Thursday, June 19, 2014

Food Raffle Prizes!!!!

Every year when you donate non-perishable food item to our drive you get a chance a great prize and this year is no exception!!!

This year you can win:

- An exclusive UK edition of Firefly: The Game (courtesy of Gale Force Nine)
- An Autographed Photo of Sean Maher
- A pair of passes to Boston Comic Con
- A pair of passes to the Coolidge
- CSTS 2014 T-shirt

And many more!!!!

All you have to do is bring a non-perishable food item to benefit Rosie's Place. And if you bring one of the following items you'll get TWO raffle tickets to double your chance of winning:

-Peanut Butter
-Canned Tuna and Chicken 

We are 2 days away!!! Get your tickets NOW!!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Late Night rides to CSTS Boston available


In years past a lot of folks could not go to Can't Stop the Serenity Boston because our event ended after the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, shut down for the evening, but this year the MBTA is running extended hours for select buses and trains (including the ones that run by the Coolidge Corner Theatre that will be running 90 minutes later. CSTS Boston will end around 2:15am so with careful planning you might now be able to attend!!!

For more information please read the Late Night FAQ.

Win Firefly: The Game!!!!


Gale Force Nine has graciously donated a copy of Firefly: The Game to our food drive raffle!!!

GF9 sent us their exclusive UK edition which is packaged in a unique larger box and included a special promotional firefly ship and ship card. This edition of the game is exclusive to the UK and as such is VERY hard to get a hold of in the US.

We thank GF9 for this wonderful donation!!!!

We will also have several other great prizes to give away at our food raffle so make sure you come down to the Coolidge Corner Theatre on 6/21 and join the fun!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

20 Days to go!!!

We are at T-minus 20 days and counting!!! Remember that before the screening we have our annual food drive for Rosie's Place. Anyone who brings a non-perisable food item will entered into our raffle for some fun prizes.

Rosie's has a list of items that are needed most so anyone who brings any of the following items will receive TWO raffle tickets to double your chance of winning:

-Peanut Butter
-Canned Tuna and Chicken

Get your tickets yet? You can get them now at the Coolidge Corner Theatre Box Office or online at

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tickets are now on sale!!!!

Tickets for Can't Stop the Serenity Boston 2014 are now on sale at the Coolidge Corner Theatre Box Office or online.

Tickets are $15 each.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

T-Shirt Pre-Orders are now open.

We are now taking pre-orders for this year's T-shirt until April 30th May 11th. Orders can be taken at

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Miss us?


Were you afraid that we were not coming back this year?

Fear not! We are coming back for our 9th year at the Coolidge Corner Theater on Saturday, June 21st at midnight!!!

This year we are not only raising money for Equality Now, either. 25 percent of this year's proceeds as well what we collect in our annual food drive will be going to Rosie's Place. Rosie’s Place provides meals and shelter to women and their children and also creates answers for 12,000 women a year through wide ranging support, housing and education services. Rosie’s Place relies solely on the generous support of individuals, foundations and corporations and does not accept any city, state or federal funding. Thanks to these donations, 86 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to services for poor and homeless women.

More details will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks including when tickets go on sale and details on our food drive. We will also be opening up pre-sales for this year's T-shirts where you can save $5 per shirt by ordering in advance.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's gonna be a Whedon Weekend at the Coolidge!!!

The Coolidge Corner Theater will be opening Joss Whedon's new film Much Ado About Nothing on June 21st!!!

Tickets for Much Ado will be available on or around June 18th.
Make it a full evening and see both films!!! 

If you cannot come to CSTS we will also be collecting donations for Equality Now before both evening shows on Saturday, June 22nd.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Don't forget the Food Drive!!!!

As we do every year, we will be holding a food drive for Rosie’s Place, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women that offers emergency and long-term assistance to women and providing prizes via raffle who donate to this drive.

We have alot of shiny prizes and our grand prize is a 10th anniversary collector's edition Firefly Celebration Book valued at $50!!

We will also have shirts, books and other great stuff to give away. So bring as much non-perishable food as you can - the more you donate the more you can win!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Contest - Win tickets to see Buffy!!!

CONTEST: If you buy your CSTS tickets before midnight on Friday May 10th, you will be entered to win a pair of passes to see the Original Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the big screen this weekend at the Coolidge Corner Theatre.


To enter send a copy of your CSTS Tickets (or e-mail receipt if you bought them online) to before midnight on Friday, May 10th. One winner will be selected and notified Friday morning. 

Tickets are onsale for both Buffy and CSTS at the Coolidge Box Office or online at

Good luck!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

CSTS Boston 2013 tickets are now available!!

CSTS Boston tickets are now on sale at The Coolidge Corner Theater Box Office or online at

Tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20 the day of the event.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Well it's certainly been a while since I updated here but just to let you know that we are having a 2013 edition of Can't Stop the Serenity Boston on Saturday, June 22nd at the Coolidge Corner Theater.

In addition to raising money for Equality Now, we will also be collecting non-perishable food items for Rosie’s Place (, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women that offers emergency and long-term assistance to women. In the past seven years the New England Browncoats have collected over 2,500 lbs. for local charities. Anyone that brings a donation will be eligible for raffle prizes.

Tickets for this event will be $15 in advance and $20 the day of the show and will be available soon at the Coolidge Box Office or online at

Also we are now taking pre-orders for this year's apparel until Monday, May 7th!!

This year the ladies shirt and zip up hoodie color is gray while the mens/unisex shirt and pullover hoodies are tan.
As in previous years we will only be selling a very limited quantity of Men's/Unisex shirts at the screening so if you wish to make sure you get a shirt or want to get a ladies shirt or hoodie reserve your apparel today by going here!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Look at all the cool stuff!!!!!

We are only 17 days until the big event!!!

I'm happy to announce what we will be giving away as part of our food drive for Rosie's Place. To win all you need to do is bring a non-perishable food item and you will be in the running. Remember, the more you bring the more chances you can win!!!

Here is just a sample of what you can win!!!

Rosie's Place is in need of non-perishable food items: 

Canned fruits and vegetables
Dried beans
Peanut butter
Non-refrigerated juice and milk.

We'll also have other prizes to give out before the show for those that show off their trivial-type skills.

Sound good? Have your ticket already? No? Get. To. It. You only a couple of weeks!!!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

We would like to welcome 5 Wits as a sponsor of CSTS Boston 2012!!

A 5 Wits adventure will fully immerse you in a vibrant, physical world that’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before! You'll have to solve puzzles, explore new spaces and discover the details of your unique story.

There are 2 adventures you can go on at 5 Wits: Espionage and 20,000 Leagues. Both adventures are located at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA right across from Gillette Stadium.

We will be giving away passes to 5 Witz at our screening!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

CSTS Boston tickets are now available The Coolidge Corner Theater Box Office and online at!!!